Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1990 : Without A Net!!! Of the’90 European Tour Tour-Shirt Design!’90 Grateful Dead / Arista : Black : Large (L) : Very-Rare!!! Art by the Late / Grate! 1990 Grateful Dead Issue – of the ” Without A Net ” & ” Europe 1990 ” Griffin Art Designs!!!!! Grateful Dead-meets-Rick Griffin Art! Made originally for the Europe’90 Tour! – then for the Grateful Dead in the U. To promote’ Without A Net’!!! I mean it just doesn’t get any better than Griff, does it? Well, I don’t think so. This is just a Classic… & now Quintessential Beauty! Shirt from close to 35-Years Ago! Rick Griffin Art, truly at his Finest! And also, arguably one of his last – or quite close to last final Legendary!! Works — and so very fittingly, this one’s for The Grateful Dead!!! In November of 1990… But also, the Monumental’ Live’ release… Known as Without A Net!!! Much better known as Brent Mydland!!! I believe that I 1st saw this Shirt at the Spring Tour’91 Cap Centre Shows! 4-run of Show by the Band, so… Just thinking back, as this was pretty much’ The! Shirt to have at the time, as it was really some seriously different Rick Griffin Art that was featured on a Shirt! There had been a little gap for a while, with the Griffin Art on new Dead Tees, and when this Beauty! Hit the scene, it was like… Right-On & Welcome Home!!! This was such a transitional time, with Brent’s passing – so… Almost everything seemed just a little bittersweet. And, not to paint a dreary picture, but – it actually kinda got worse… Fast, with both Rick Griffin & Bill Graham passing shortly thereafter. So, at least to me… This is the period of time that this represents – and represents Vividly!!! This is a popular one, which has been no doubt – reprinted over the years, but… Here with this one – just check out that vintage old school’ Cronies’ tag! The real deal indeed… This is one that no Dead Fan should live without, as this Griffin G. Design Image has indeed! Stood the test of time, and is just as cool as it was back in 1990-91! Plus, when you think about it -‘ Without A Net’ itself was all 1989 & 1990 Grateful Dead Live! And that was the Hot-Stuff!!! The’89 Summer Tour, Spring’90… Good Ol’ Grateful Dead in the’ newest’ of forms – during the Stout! Built To Last’ Era!!! This one is a G. To say the very-least… And, how can’t it be – when Rick Griffin is steering both the brush & the pen! This is a Circus-Scene – that is Definitely! Pit-to-Pit = 22″ Length = 25″ As this is a used vintage-worn collectible shirt – here are the issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection : >>> a cluster of small/medium holes on left side collar seam area, and one (1) small hole under left arm sleeve on seam area (please see photos/close-up photos #8 & #9). >>> cracking/fading of design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> color variation fading of shirt material fabric dyes (please see photos/close-up photo #10). Please Note : This is a ” Vintage-Worn ” Original / Collectible Grateful Dead Rock & Roll Shirt – please see all wear blemishes mentioned, and view all photos & close-up photos provided. Please see all photos provided…