Grateful Dead Shirt : 1993 : Seasons Of The Dead – The Endless Tour!!!’93 Grateful Dead Merchandising, Inc. / 2000 (1993/2000) GDM Issue! Tie Dye : X Large (XL) : Beautful! Grateful Dead Seasons Of The Dead – The Endless Tour!!!! Let me guess, you’ve been on the’ Hunt’ for one of these Beauties! And maybe even since you wore yours to pieces & shreds… Well, right-on in regard to that! Hey, I mean I can easily attest from personal experience… That this Tie Dyed Tee is definitely one of those Fan-Favorites! That you would see often! On Tour, and usually – well-worn! As Deadheads always have loved this Charles Everard Campbell GDM classic, with no doubt! I always laugh when I see this Shirt, because I’ll never forget being at the Seattle Center… And walking over to the ” Shakedown Street ” area, to get some grub! You know, a quality grilled cheese or veggie-burrito mission! And when I walked over there, there was a serious scene goin’ on!! ? ! I mean hey, it was Summer Tour’94 & all on the West Coast leg… And I saw this guy get off of a heavily-traveled and I’m talkin” seriously’ heavily traveled! And he stepped down wearing one of these! But the thing is, it was just’ barely’ and I mean Barely! Still hanging on him because of all the holes everywhere… And I’m not talking about any cut-off stuffs with any scissors involved (like some of now days fashions). I mean this thing was totally Shot! Apparently just from just wearing it on the Whole Tour! I just said Nice Shirt! At the time, and gave a Big Ol’ Smile! As this Dead Fan must have loved that one so much, that he just decided to live in it! And apparently – ” Permanently “!! As man, I miss those G. I’ll never forget this though, being that-impressed by a Stellar 100%’ Tour-caused’ broken-in Dead Dye! As this story’ Real’ Dead Tour Folk Tale! Just goes to show how truly popular this one was with the hardcore Touring Dead Fans. I don’t know, but there’s just something about this one, you know? Not only is the Tie-Dye Colors! Mix just awesome, but the 4 Characters definitely have some Quality’ Character’!! Seasons Of The Dead… Tag Size / Brand : Extra Large (X-Large / XL) / Liquid Blue (100% Cotton) Pit-to-Pit = 24″ Length = 31″. As this is a lightly used and well taken care of shirt – here are the only issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection. >>> one (1) small hole (a’seam separation’ hole) located under the right arm area by seams (please see photos/close-up photo #11) >>> very light fading of the shirt material fabric dyes (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> very-light cracking (barely any) of the design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). Please see all photos provided… This Grateful Dead Jester ” Seasons Of The Dead – The Endless Tour ” Shirt is the 2000 GDM / Liquid Blue issued version of the (c) 1993 G. / Charles Everard Campbell / Liquid Blue vintage original version.