Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1995 : St. Patrick’s Day’95!!! : The Spectrum – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PA) : Spring Tour 1995! March 17, 18, 19, 1995 (3/17/1995 – 3/18/1995 – 3/19/1995) : 1995 Grateful Dead Merchandising, Inc. (GDM) : Tie Dye : Large (L) : Very-Rare!!!! 1995 Philly Spectrum Shirt – St. Spring Tour’95! Was played’ Live’ by The Grateful Dead!!!! — and Especially Philly Deadheads!!! Were you one of the luckiest people in the whole wide world on that Glorious March 19, 1995 day where Phil Lesh & Co. Decided to ” let it loose “? For the 1st time ever ” Live ” since it was written & studio recorded in 1974 – for the Mars Hotel! ? Blue Light Rain, UNBROKEN CHAIN!!! Holy Grateful Dead, and Holy Phil! Just doin’-it for the Philadelphia-Metro Area. Amazing, just truly-amazing – as who would have ever thought. It was pretty interesting reading in Phil’s Book’ Searching for the Sound’ how it all happened – because… What Dead Fan wouldn’t be interested in learning about That! So yeah, that has to rate as one of the Luckiest! Patty’s Days of all-time, no doubt. Hey, and that was only a portion of this hot run – but hey, let’s face it — more like Monumental!! But I have to say… The ” Visions of Johanna ” that Garcia kicked-down at the 3/18 Show – was, at least to my ear the prettiest, most well-played, and really the overall Best! Since long ago -’86 at the BCT, in Berkeley – to be exact. Jerry poured every-single bit of his heart into that one, and heck – Phil loved it so much too that he even made the call to include it on Disc 2 on his 1997 release – Fallout From The Phil Zone!!! I don’t know how else better to say it… This was one of the most important runs of Live G. Since the Brent Era! And naturally, they chose the Spectrum to just let it All! Good’Ol Grateful Dead in’95! And as far as this Beyond-Awesome! You bet, as this one is indeed the Real Deal!!! I’m not sure if you’ve seen the St. Patty’s Day Tour Shirt Tie-Dyes that the GDM made for the’91 Cap Centre Show (3/17/91)? Or the other Awesome one that they did for the’92 Philly Spectrum Show (3/17/92)?? They are all Grate! But, without any question… This one here is the rarest. Hey, who knows – but I have a feeling that Unbroken Chain!!! Might have something to do with it… A lot of Folks probably just walked out of this’95 Spectrum run – and just’ Framed’ theirs… I mean let’s be real – it’s truly just’ That-Worthy’. Tag Size / Brand : Large (L) / Not Fade Away 100% Cotton Pre-Shrunk / Made In U. Pit-to-Pit = 22″ Length = 28″. As this is a lightly used shirt – here are the issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection : >>> slight fading of the shirt material fabric dyes (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light cracking of the design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> one (1) small hole back right of shirt (please see photos/close-up photo #10). Please see all photos provided…