Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original : 1991 : Summer Tour’91! – Help On The Way! (Blues For Allah / 1975) : Vintage Lot Shirt : Size = 28.5″ x 27″ Size : XXXL (‘ Approximately’) : Very-Rare! Summer Tour’91 Shirt!! Grateful Dead Summer Tour 1991 Shirt… From the 1975 G. Album Blues For Allah!! ” – with ” Summer Tour 1991 Creatively! Printed – on’ both’ Shirt sides!!! Help On The Way!!!!! As I so-distinctly remember Touring the Midwest, South & Mid-Atlantic on this’ Back East’ 1991 Summer Tour leg… One at Buckeye Lake! Two at the Charlotte Coliseum!! One at Good Ol’ RFK! Two at the’Old’ Giants Stadium!! And even Two at Pine Knob in Michigan! More too, obviously – but, this is where I got on & off the Summer Tour’91 Bus. Some of the ” Buckeye Lake ” 6/9/91 Show made it on to ” Dead Air ” I well remember… Hot-Shows in Charlotte, but for some reason – there were no Venue-Specific ” Backstage Passes ” issued for either Show – which, I always also remember well — though… I do also remember doing a pre-arranged ” Tape Trade ” in the Charlotte Coliseum Parking Lot! – 15 for 15… Out of the back of Dupree’s! That it eventually became ” View From The Vault II ” – Forever Enshrined on DVD!!! And pound-for-pound, at least to my ears – I’m thinking that the Giants Stadium Jersey Shows might have been the Hottest? – with some of it done as a TV Broadcast Benefit for the Rainforest!!! And as for Pine Knob?? – I was just like ” Wow “? ! ? — the Dead are still allowed to play somewhere like this??? Sweet-sweet little Mid-West shed, in the nice part of town – in Michigan. How’s about That! ” Memory ” – from me to you, and as I remember quite well too… ” Paradise Waits ” 1991 Summer Tour Shirt was-indeed one of the Coolest! Of them all, without any question… With a little bit of ” Help On The Way ” Love! – which yep, did! Get kicked down on 6/14/91 at RFK!!! Now close to 35-Years Ago! – as it’s just so hard to believe how-time-flies… Item Condition / Measurements >>>. Tag Size / Brand : Shirt Size Missing (Shirt Tag Severed/Cut) / Shirt Tag has been cut, without any damage to the shirt material fabric, or shirt seams (please see photos). Shirt Size appears to correspond to the approximate size of a Triple Extra Large (XXXL) T-Shirt from the 1991 Era – though, this is only my own best estimate based on the measurements… Please make certain to read the exact Shirt measurements provided below. Pit to Pit = 28.5″ Shoulder Seam Length = 28.5″ Length (Collar-Top to Shirt Bottom) = 27. As this is a used vintage shirt – here are the issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection. >>> two (2) holes located on shirt front & top left sleeve by shoulder seam (please see photos/close-up photos #9 & #10). >>> light stains on shirt (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> design image emblems are slightly tilted (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> multiple undone stitching areas on inner bottom seam. (please see photos/close-up photo #11). >>> light fading/cracking of the design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light fading of shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photos). Please see all photos provided…