Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1993 : Amusement Park – Roller Coaster! David Opie Art Design!’93 Grateful Dead Merchandise 1993 GDM, Inc. : Tie Dye : X Large (XL) : Very-Rare!! Grateful Dead’93 ” Amusement Park & Roller-Coaster ” Tie-Dye Shirt!!! Dead Fans – what a Crazy & Long-Strange’ Ride’ it’s Been!!!!! Early-’90’s G. Skeleton Roller Coaster Tie-Dyed Shirt!!! The Coolest of the Cool! The Funnest of the Fun! In their Dead Tees!! Well, here is one that it quite tough to top – on the Fun House scale! Offered here is the Completely-Amazing! Grateful Dead Amusement Park – Roller Coaster Shirt! That 1st surfaced on the Grateful Dead’ Live’ scene inside Venues – Parking Lots – on the Road! – & what have you… Following the 1993 Spring Tour!!! And all that Thanks! – as quite often, during that wonderful-era goes to both Grateful Dead Merchandise… For a design as Creative & Hilarious! As Opie sure was one of the G. When it came to much of the really ” fun-stuff ” design-wise in the Mid-’90’s. Both him & Tony Reonegro seemed to compete in a friendly Dead Fan fashion, to see who could create the next best Laugh! For the Dead Fans. Reonegro had a bit of a head-start, but Opie really came down the straight-away lightning-quick! Or should I more properly say, through the Roller-Coaster!! ? !!! So as these photos so vividly show, this one is simply a Timeless-Beauty! I mean how many Bands out there can claim to fame that one of these was made for them?? ! That’s it the Good Ol’ Grateful Dead! Just as the old saying goes, right? One long ride from start to end – I’d like to take that ride again!!! Well from the looks of this ride, it makes you think that maybe This! Rocky & smooth ride might just make one a little-bit on queasy-side!! ? But it’s just not the case, as these Daring Skeletons seem to be Enjoyin’ The Ride!! And hey, the Daredevil Dancin’ Bears here look to be holding their-own as well! Has anyone ever seen a Dancin’ Bear not Smile? !! ? I have shaken the hands of both! – and heck, even’ The Guy with the Twirling-Lights’ at the Oakland Coliseum too!!! Now there are some likely quality G. Tour Memories for you, right? – a Blast from the Past! But Hey Now, as I aim to please! Point being, when it comes to Fun in the Sun! I’m not really sure that you can beat this well over 30-Year-Old! Dang, this really-is now over 30-Years-Old! ? ! ? Does that mean I’m getting old too? Probably the opposite direction, actually – always a pinnacle Life-Goal… Come to think of it — this Shirt even kind of reminds me of that Water Slide behind Cal Expo!! ? ! And in that case, we’ll just rename this Beauty! Shirt – The Deadhead Space-Mountain! – because that’s always where the Band would seem to take you, at Expo! At any other Venue too, for that matter. Well fellow Fans, I’m thinking that you may indeed have been looking for this one – so here you go! And of course — Keep-On Enjoyin’ The Ride!!!!!!! Tag Size / Brand : Extra Large (X-Large / XL) / Liquid Blue 100% Cotton / Made in U. Pit-to-Pit = 24″ Length = 29″ As this is a lightly used collectible shirt – here are the issues that stand out to my eye upon very-close inspection : >>> four (4) tiny/small holes (approximately 1mm each) on the back of shirt : one located just below the back collar; one located 4″ from bottom & 11″ from left side; two (side by side – 1/4″ apart) located 3″ from bottom & 3 from right side (please see photos/photos #7 through #10). >>> faint orange stains on the shirt back (please see photos/photo #9). >>> very slight cracking of the design emblem images (please see photos). Please see all photos provided…