Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage 1982 : Stanley Mouse Art Design! Tour Sportswear : Large (L) : Very-Rare!!! The Grateful Dead Stanley Mouse Studios Rock Art’ Masterpiece! & Stanley Mouse Art Fans!!! This ” Quintessential ” Mouse Art Design Grateful Dead logo as much as me? I don’t know just what it is exactly… But I have been completely-drawn to this image since I was a youngster! And pretty-much in a Trance! I started seeing Dead Shows when I was 15… And kept on going & going all I could – all the way to the very-end. And this I remember – because I could never-ever forget… Somewhere between 15 & 16 – I found this image, maybe at a Show? Or, in a Book – possibly?? But, as soon as I found it – it truly inspired me… Curiosity & all – and it really became my Grateful Dead image that I loved the very-best. I don’t even think that I knew originally that it was by Mouse? Well, I certainly learned of this real-shortly thereafter… And that led to more, and more & more! But, initially & originally – this really was ” The One ” for me… And I have always felt that way. And whenever I see it – I Smile! And my point being, that’s what the Best of the Best! In Rock Art, and especially G. Art can & will do… & especially by the Mouses! These designs work on you – from the very start… And they can truly find their way into your mind – sometimes right away, and other times it can take a little while. But when they do get you really good – then they belong to you, and you belong to them. Just like the great Ken Kesey once said It’s like a Trade-Off! And, I sure hope you get that reference. Well, this beauty here is a piece among pieces. And, if this one doesn’t go as far as ” Inspiring ” you, like it has me… You will still be personally responsible for delivering some serious… When fellow Grateful Dead – Mouse – & Rock & Roll Fans! See this-one on You!! One from over 40-Years Ago! – from the Grateful Dead Era which I personally do consider to be the G. The Early-’80’s! A time when the Band was a little more’ off-the-grid’ from the mainstream Rock World – the Creativity! Was still at an all-time high, and the abilities to play more intimate Venues was still consistently available to the Good Ol’ 1980’s! A Mouse Studios – Stanley Mouse! Grateful Dead Art design created in 1973… And truly-popularized on G. Easily 5-Years prior to the 1987 ” In The Dark ” &’ Touch Of Grey’ Era. A truly ” Cornerstone ” G. / Mouse Vintage Shirt here… From the Early’80’s!! Just what Is ” The Jester ” Thinking? Piece of Rock Art!! Tag Size / Brand : Large (L) / Tour Sportswear (100% Cotton / Made In USA) Pit-to-Pit = 17.5″ Length = 23.5″ As this is a used vintage shirt – here are the only issues that stand out to my eye upon close very close inspection : >>> light stains throughout shirt (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> very light fading of shirt material fabric dyes (please see photos/close-up photos). Please Note : The design image emblem on this 1982 Shirt is in Excellent! (” Amazing “) condition -‘ Exceptional’ for a used Vintage item close to 40-years old – please see all photos & close-up photos provided… Please see all photos provided…