Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1989 : Spring Tour’89! The Rock & Roll Guitar! I Need A Miracle!!! : 1989 Grateful Dead Merchandising, Inc.’ Painter’s’ Art Shirt : Ultra-Rare!!! The’ Rock & Roll’ Snowman!! Grateful Dead 1989 Spring Tour!!!!! Whether you well-know your Touring Grateful Dead Timeline and/or your Grateful Dead Tour Shirts better… The fact is – this one here? It’s pretty much like two Goliaths Colliding!! Not to be too far fetched, but how else can I put it? As This-Shirt has had Dead Fans Smiling with Grins! Ear-to-ear, for decades now… For close to 35-Years! This Chilly-Cool Rock & Roll G. Is just about near-extinct. One look at the photos… And you’ll see why! This Shirt was actually one of three colorful, cartooney, and whole-hearted Grateful Dead Tour Shirt Masterpieces! Which Reonegro designed in 1989 alone… The ” Smokin’ Keyboard Skeleton ” (Summer Tour’89), the ” Bones Run Downhill Skiing Skeleton ” (Summer Tour’89), and last but most-definitely not least, as this-one here was actually the ” 1st ” of them all – for the Spring Tour’89. ” Frosty The Rock & Roll Guitar Skeleton-Snowman ” – in dire-need of a Miracle… Singing ” I Need A Miracle ” — as the’ Thawing’ begins nicely, as this Miracle! Was indeed answered with a little Grateful Dead’ Live’ Spring Tour’89 Rock & Roll Sunshine!!! What a Dead Shirt! – and really, one of the Best! From this so-creative Late-’80’s / Early-’90’s G. Take a nice-look at the photos… As the design details on this one, and just the pure-humor it radiates – is just something else? ! ? He’s Rockin’-away on the Electric-Guitar… Oops, I mean Electric-Broomstick! He’s got a Top Hat, with a Birdie perched on top… For a nose, Mirrored-Sunglasses for the Rays! I mean this-scene is down to one ball of Snow left, with even a few Buttons! And just check-out the Sunshine! Things are looking-up for Frosty here, and that is no joke… As just one glance at the’ back’ of this Shirt will tell you all the rest… Grateful Dead Spring Tour’89!!!!!! — and What A Tour!!! Reonegro landing a 10 out of 10! On this piece of Rock & Roll… Tag Size / Brand : Extra Large (X-Large / XL) – Shirt tag has been cleanly removed without any damage to the shirt material or seams – and the measurements correspond directly to a size Extra Large (XL) from this’ Prentiss’ shirt tag/brand from the Late-1980’s Grateful Dead Era. Pit-to-Pit = 22″ Length = 28″ As this is a used collectible shirt – here are the multiple issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection : >>> shirt was used as an “artist’s shirt” – used while painting, and has multiple/numerous’ paint stains’ all-throughout the entire shirt as a result (please see all-photos provided). >>> tag has been cleanly removed without any damage to the shirt material and/or shirt shirt seams (please see photos/photo #12). >>> two (2) small holes located directly on the shoulder/collar area(s) – one hole on each collar/seam side (please see photos/photo #10). >>> heavy staining (assorted/multiple stain marks & paint stain spots/marks) all-throughout the entire shirt (please see all photos provided). >>> fading of the design emblem images, mostly on the back side of shirt (please see all photos provided). Notes : With this being an ” Artist’s ” (Painters) Shirt, showing paint marks & assorted stains all-throughout the Shirt… This item is intended for sale to either a Vintage-Shirt Collector and/or another’ Artist’ whose intention would be to use this vintage shirt during painting projects once again. I’d just like to be very clear on this one, as this Shirt would not likely appeal to the average person who buys Vintage Rock & Roll Shirts to wear & use… Usually wanting them to look as nice as possible. As this Shirt is an’ Artists’ (Painters) Shirt from head to toe… It shows the numerous paint-stains from these many artistic adventures. Please see all photos provided, to see up-closely for yourself. Please see all photos provided…