Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1991 : Summer Tour’91! : David Opie’91 Art Design!’91 Grateful Dead Merchandising, Inc. : White : X Large (XL) : The Incredible! Summer Tour’91 Dead Tee! David Opie Art-Designed Skeleton Sun!! Tour-Issued GDM Shirt for the 1991 Grateful Dead Summer Tour!! And especially-those who recognize one of those The! Shirts – made for a Grateful Dead Summer Tour when they see one! Well, without any questions – this here is indeed one of those! Everyone has their own opinions obviously, but at least to me? It was either this one here – or the ” Bucking Bronco & Horse ” Shirt for this’91 Summer Tour that led the G. Tour Shirts, that is… Wow, as I’m not sure I can really pick between these two designs – as they are just so different in’ Theme’? ! ? It’s sure tough to top this art design for most certain – pretty much All! Across the board – and all of that credit goes straight to David Opie! On this Amazing Sun Skeletons! Art Design – as Opie sure was on a G. Right around this Early/Mid-’90’s Era. And, if you happened to partake in this Fantastic! Well, the Dead too were on a serious Hot-Streak!!! I myself caught a fairly-generous 7-Shows on this’91 Summer Tour… 1 at Buckeye – 2 in Charlotte – 1 at RFK – 2 at Giants – and 2 at Pine Knob – and let me tell You! – if you weren’t also there yourself… This Space Was Getting Hot!!! I mean this was a Solid! Tour (and then some) – with arguably the RFK & Giants Shows probably being the best. And, my ears can’t be too-wrong over the RFK call-out here either, or the Giants Shows – as you can actually see View! The RFK Show for Yourself! In the form of View From The Vault II!!! Yep, the Boys brought-it Nicely! At Good Ol’ RFK!!! Plus, those Giants Shows were really right up there too – and… For me, if I had to pick one of these Shows on a ” Desert-Island ” scenario, I would probably have to go with — 6/17/91 Giants! Which, has now too been released from the Dead Vault in box Box Set Pro-Audio Form, and also as a Meet Up At The Movies! It’s always so! Incredibly tough to’ pick’ – so hey, why even bother!! And, come to think of it too – Buckeye got so Hot! At points, that David Gans even used some of the segments on the ” Dead Dead Hour ” – just a few months after the fact. And, one of the Pine Knob nights was also released in the G. Download Series years later — the really Hot! Night where Ace ” split-up ” the Throwing Stones!!! That’s kind of how my eyes have always looked at this Opie’91 T-Shirt design for this Tour! The Band was nice & consistent to say the least on this run, and they rose the bar at their own will… With of course, the crowd always! Being a major determining factor! That’s how I see these Sun Skeletons!! – one after another… Just pulling their load of the Sun(s)! – and Everybody doing their part until the Sun has traveled on through the Horizon! I know – I know, a bit ” out there ” indeed Ha! – but, this one is well over 30-Years old… So I’ve just had some serious time to think it through! And as for the Colors! ? ! With Bright & Bold – Both!! I mean this Shirt is so incredible Hot! That I can see someone that might not even usually wear Dead Shirts usually – just giving-in & submitting on This-One! No joke, as that is the degree to which this one catches the Eye! Just a rare & incredible’91 G. So go ahead & check-out the Photos, and the Details! – to see for yourself. Plus, at least to my eyes again! – this one even has a little bit of the Pink Floyd! Thing going on here – as one scene after another just dissipates and/or recreates off into the distance! And last, but most-certainly not’ least’ to some Dead Fans out there… This Vintage-Original Shirt is in Size XL – in the Ultra-Rare! ” White ” T Shirt version!! As due to the sheer Awesomeness! & Age alone – it’s real safe to say that not too many of these Survived the Ravages of Time! & Space & Sun!!! Just-like Summer Tour’91! – Bright & Bold!!! Pit-to-Pit = 22.5″ Length = 27.5″ As this is a used vintage shirt – here are the only issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection : >>> small light spots/stains on shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photo #10). >>> light piling of the shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light cracking of design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light fading of shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photos). Please see all photos provided…