Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1986 : Grateful Dead!! : Official Grateful Dead’86 Tour Staff! (c) 1986 Grateful Dead (r) Productions, Inc. (GDP) : Medium (M) : Extremely-Rare! 1986 Tour Issued ” Staff-Only ” Item!!!!! Grateful Dead 1986 Touring-Year Staff! Shirt – Collared Polo-Style Shirt! The Grateful Dead Productions, Inc. (GDP) Issue made for only Grateful Dead’86 Tour Staff! Who dig both the Rare! As offered here is an Incredibly-Rare! Grateful Dead 1986 Staff-Only! Collared Polo Style Shirt which was Tour-Issued by Grateful Dead Productions, Inc. (GDP) just for G. Staff, Road Crew, Family & Friends! And, unlike a traditional Road Crew Shirt – this one was indeed made in the Mid-’80’s Preppy-Style! And while granted Healy was most certainly Rockin’! A possibly (or, most likely)’ Sleeveless’ T-Shirt in the Stage Front Soundboard Nice! This-one was actually Fancy! Enough that someone the likes of Popick could just Rock! It from right-on the Stage! – while dialing-up that electronic Dead-Magic! For the Boys Rigs & Monitors. And now, come to even think about it… Himself would even’ occasionally’ wear a Sports coat! And, by at least’89… Jerry was even seen Rockin’! A’ Black’ one, naturally… And so, point being… Maybe the Boys were even getting a little’ Pretty’ in Look! In the Mid/Late’80’s just right after the time of This! Collared Polo-Style Dead Shirt! I mean – Let’s See! ? ! On the Collared-Shirt’ Stats’ Ha! Usually Polo in Red, or Pink! Yep,’ occasional’ – but still – check! Yep,’ real-occasional’ – but still – check! Yep’ pretty-occasional’ though – but check! Vince – later on in the’90’s yep – check! And as for Mick?? Dang, as now That’s! As I truly can’t say with any certainly that I’ Ever’ saw Mickey Hart wear a ” Collared-Shirt ” On-Stage? ! ? Huh, well – I’ll sure have to keep my Eyes open on that-one… You betcha there were some Collared-Shirts! In the’80’s &’90’s Dead-Era. There were times too – where me & my Touring Crew might just Rock! A Collared-Shirt ” On The Road ” to hopefully’ Reduce’ the chances of… By the Interstate Heat!! And this Shirt would have been just Perfect! For that – well, then again… Maybe’ Minus’ the bold & bright’ Steal Your Face! But, you know – with all’ seriousness’ here… Staff ” Collared/Polo Shirt ” is one that you could truly Rock! – The Golf Course! Maybe even the Country Club! – and yeah, you betcha… I mean – it’s pretty much like this… Tag Size / Brand : Medium (M) / Anvil 50% Cotton / 50 % Polyester / Made In U. As this is a used vintage shirt – here are the only issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection. >>> light stains/discolorations mostly around collar and underarm areas (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light cracking of design emblem images (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light piling of shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> light fading of shirt material fabric dyes (please see photos/close-up photos). Please see all photos provided…