Jerry Garcia – Jerry Garcia Band Shirt : JGB Winter Tour 1980!!! : 2004 Jerry Garcia Estate, LLC : Limited Edition issue! – from the 2004’After Midnight – 1980′ CD Set release! X Large (XL) : Very-Rare!!!! Jerry Garcia Band 1980 Winter Tour Shirt!!! – offered in conjunction with the After Midnight! 2/28/1980 Kean College release!! / Jerry Garcia Shirt Graphics Design!!! Offered here is the Incredibly-Awesome! Jerry Garcia Band ” Winter Tour 1980 ” Shirt!! Not only does this Shirt look Amazing! – bright, bold & straight to the point Jerry Garcia & the J. G. B. On’80 Winter Tour!!! , but it has become very scarce & very rare. Garcia / Pure Jerry “, along with the amazing 2004 ” After Midnight ” (+ ” Way After Midnight) 4-CD Disc Set release – 20-Years Ago! The Jerry Garcia Band on Winter Tour 1980 taking over the Collegiate Venue of Kean College! In Union, NJ on 2/28/1980! This was one of the handful of After Midnight > Eleanor Rigby > After Midnight live deliveries – that were so Smokin’ Hot that it would probably even get Eric Clapton shaking in his shoes! And, it might have even had the one & only Guitar-Man! Cale tip his cap R. As there will never ever be another Guitar Man! Take just one listen, and you’ll too see why – as I do assume naturally, that you have already heard – and probably do own this Legendary! After all, I sure know I have, always do & always will… Many-times, over, over & over! This’80 Tour was one of the rather early East Coast runs for Jerry, which thankfully soon became a regular habit. It started in D. And ended in NJ – hitting NY, MA, CT, PA, and RI while rolling through – strongly! To me personally, the blistering-hot Garcia Band runs through the East Coast produced some of the finest music Jerry ever delivered live, and without question some of his most vicious, powerful & still sweet guitar playing. This historic’80 Tour featured a stripped-down J. G. B. Unit’ Quintet’ – which gave Garcia more jam-pockets than ever before to explore – and my goodness, did he ever. Ozzie Ahlers (Keys), Johnny DeFoncesca (Drums), and Jerry’s good ol’ buddy John Kahn delivering the Bass! Tees that I personally have ever seen. All 1980 Winter Tour Venues, Cities & States are printed on the back, with an awesome & eye-catching Jerry Garcia Band Japanese Rising-Sun design on the front – featuring an image of Jerry’s Face! – on a most unique Maroon! Very rare, very scarce, and really-really! Wear this one with some serious J. G. B. Tag Size / Brand : Extra Large (X-Large / XL) / Liquid Blue (100% Cotton) Pit-to-Pit = 23.5″ Length = 30″ As this is a used & taken care of shirt, here are the only issues that stand out to my eye upon very close inspection : >>> one (1) tiny pinhole on the front bottom of shirt (please see photos/photo #10). >>> a few small light stains on the shirt material fabric (please see photos/close-up photos) >>> some missing secondary stitching on front collar area – no holes (please see photos/close-up photos). >>> some fading of the shirt material fabric and cracking of the design image emblems (please see photos/close-up photos). Please see all photos provided…