Grateful Dead Shirt : Vintage Original (Genuine / Authentic) : 1993 : Summer Tour 1993 : The Band! ” Faces ” &’ Eyes’ – Wow!!! Greg Genrich Design / (c) 1993 GDM Inc. 1993 Grateful Dead Merchandising, Inc. (GDM) : Large (L) : Brand New – with Defect (small bit of missing screen print – see photos) : Collected-Only! Never-worn & never-washed – since the 1993 G. Of the Boys Faces! From the Grateful Dead 1993 Summer Tour!!! Can you think back hard, real hard & remember this-here Rare’93 Tour-Classic? !! Faces, Eyes, Grins & All!! And everybody’s a different Electric-Looking Color! Jerry – Bobby – Billy – Phil – Mickey & Vince too! I like how big Vince got on this one too… Just looking at this Amazing American-Beauty! Of a Vintage-Original well-over 30-Year-Old! Dead Tee makes me think about just How-Hot! This 1990 to 1995 G. This Shirt is just Amazing!! – as I think the photos on this one actually’ do’ do it the Justice! The Front-Side is just straight-up Incredible! Everybody just got about 1/3 of their Grateful-Domes! But just check out the’ Expressions’! Wow, this must have been a real treat for Greg Genrich and the GDM Team to do the graphic design, layout & approval! For this one way back in’93! The Colors are just Sweet! And just leave it to Weir to deliver the ” Haunted Eyes of Bob Weir “! This Shirt is Totally-Awesome!! And and for the Shirt Back-Side? I mean I think it is way more than safe to say it here… They just don’t make’em like this anymore! And also – just as it should be… On a’ Black’ T-Shirt! So other than ” Grateful Dead ” – which may I add is written so-Awesomely… ” Dead 1993 ” is written in a glowing font… And below that – ” Summer Tour “. And as you can see… This one was only-made for the East Coast leg of the 1993 Summer Tour! I was proud (& very-lucky) on this Tour to catch the Shoreline & Expo runs in May… And because they were playing so darn hot On-Fire! No kidding at all, and yes – I know it’s’93 I’m talking about here… I just said I gotta Go!! – and made the Trip! Back East from where the West Coast leg ended, to where the East Coast leg ended… And it didn’t even rain! I don’t even think they played Tennessee Jed?? – as I was hoping to keep that streak-alive! The Band liked to Hammer RFK Real-Hard Always! Go get’em I say. These dates, as you can see are all of the East & Midwest of the run – Giants Stadium – Michigan – Buckeye – Buffalo – Deer Creek – and last, but most-definitely not least… I couldn’t stop on this hot streak, as next it was another! ? ! Red-hot August-run at Mighty Autzen Stadium in Eugene!! I really thought it might have been this G. Unit’s prime, right in this specific era. No more over-keys, with the Hornsby hit & run thing… And now it was time to get back to Rock’n Roll!! – and more Good’Ol Grateful Dead style playing for keeps!!! Are you with me? I mean how great is it that Vince got Jerry to pull out ” Here Comes Sunshine ” out of that dusty vault of G. Well, all of this is what this Shirt symbolizes to me, and just like the Tour – it’s a Hot-One! Early-’90’s Style – Yeah!! This is a Brand New (with one small defect) Vintage Original Collectible-clothing item in Excellent! Condition which has been Collected-Only! Tag Size / Brand : Large (L) / Liquid Blue 100% Cotton / Made in U. Pit-to-Pit = 21.5. As this is a brand new (with one small defect) vintage shirt never worn / never washed Collected-Only! Here is the only issue that stands out to my eye upon very close inspection. Please see all photos provided…